19. - 26. 6. 2021

We know the game plan of the Ostrava 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships

/ Ostrava
/Zuzana Glacová

The age-old opponents, who are honing their skills, are training to the max to clash in the decisive fights. We are talking about the matches between the Czech para ice hockey team and the South Korean national team. The start of the Ostrava 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships commences with the duel between the Czech national team and South Korea. The championships consist of 20 matches and will showcase the best that para ice hockey has to offer. We start on June 19th!

První hrací den šampionátu nabízí hned nabitý program. Utkají se také v zámořském derby týmy USA a Kanady. Těžkého soupeře má i tým Slovenska, který první utkání odehraje s Ruskem. Své sily změří taky Norsko s Itálií. 23. června pak nastupuje playoff fáze turnaje, finále je na pořadu 26. června

Besides the title of world champions, a direct advancement to the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games is to be played for in Ostrava. The five best teams of the Ostrava 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships are advancing to the Paralympics.

