Česká para hokejová reprezentace, pod vedením hlavního trenéra Jiřího Břízy, pravidelně trénuje na ledě v Poděbradech a ladí formu na blížící se MS v para hokeji Ostrava 2021. Kvůli koronavirovým opatřením musel realizační tým již několikrát upravit své tréninkové schéma. Národní para hokejový tým se teď nedostane do posilovny, ani na bazén. Naopak mu přibyly hodiny strávené přímo na ledě. A do přípravy na domácí šampionát se zapojila další nová jména.
Ice drill
Up to five newcomers are now preparing with a narrow selection of the Czech national team. And the players are going through an ice drill. “We added an extra two hours on the ice within the camp program and thanks to that, our newcomers are working with the national team as a whole. There is nothing better for the start in their career, “said Jiří Bříza, the head coach of the para hockey team, about the extraordinary inclusion of new names in the para hockey training. At the same time, he added that he hopes that these players will be able to participate in the training at the levels of the Czech club as soon as possible.

The Czech para hockey team is currently training in two phases, and the coaches have added forty-five minutes to basic training sessions for the newcomers. “Apart from the ice rink, we are unfortunately limited due to the current situation. Otherwise, we have a swimming pool, compensatory exercises in the gym and the only thing left from the classic program are the video analyses, “added Jiří Bříza.
Fight for a place in the representation
According to Jiří Bříza, none of the players have a secure spot in the line-up for the domestic Ostrava 2021 Para Ice Hockey Championships, which will take place from June, 19 to June, 26. In addition, the players who joined the team after the successful Ostrava 2019 championships are fighting for a place in the line-up. Among those are some of the team’s new potentials such as Václav Hečko, Radek Zelinka or Lukáš Michalčín. Moreover, players who meet the age limit for international matches, such as Alex Ohar, can also join the national team for the tournament. “The boys will definitely fight for a place in the squad. Besides the solid core that we have, no one has a certain spot at the moment. Of course, we want to have all the players fully prepared, in case someone had to drop out due to health reasons, “said Jiří Bříza about the nomination of players for the Ostrava 2021 World Para Ice Hockey Championships. According to the international rules for World Championships match, there may be fifteen players on the roster. However, for example, the US national team has asked the international organization IPC to allow teams to come to the Ostrava World Championships with a larger group. The reason is the current coronavirus situation and the risk of a potential player falling ill in a more narrow group within individual teams.